This is a tribute to the “Man In Black T Shirt”
His name we may or may not know
But that’s how he was referred to by the KTN Television network
The date was Wednesday 16th January 2008
I spent an hour sitting alone last night replaying the KTN clip in my mind
Did you see it?
The Man in Black was dancing in Nyanza , Kenya – was it in Kisumu?
He was Dancing and also Protesting with his friends
He was exercising one of his basic Human Rights – The Right to Free Speech and Assembly
He had no stone to hurl and no panga in his hand to hurt
He was just Dancing and Protesting
He was not looting either
Just Dancing and Protesting
Then came the grand finale
He was running away… he was not fighting
He was not dancing or protesting either
The Man in Green was only a few feet away
Two rapid shots from an automatic rifle
and the dance was over ….
The Man in Black lay on the floor together with his friend
He tried to get up one more time – he was only dancing!!
But the shot had done its job
As he tumbled down yet again the brute in Green had to kick him
Probably to kick the Man in Black’s last breath out
That was the sudden end to the Dance
Farewell Man in Black – a friend I never got to meet
A friend who gave up his life for Kenyans’ freedom
As I sat I realized that The Man in Black was probably a ‘poor man’
No riches and no bank account either to his name
All I can offer his Soul are my Prayers for His Soul’s Peaceful Journey
And May My Prayers and those of Many Others enrich your Soul
And May that Enrichment of your Soul be our reward and thanks for your Sacrifice
May that Enrichment Power your Journey
And your Soul be Blessed with Riches not seen
I take Solace in that the Nature of the Soul is
After this thought propped up in my Being
Yet another Powerful thought Burst thru
This was the one that surprised me, my friend
May the World of Justice Notice this Brutal Crime against Humanity
In the Meantime May Peace and Justice Prevail in Kenya
When will we see sense in this beautiful Land and Country called Kenya?
By Vivek Mehta Jan 17th 2008, Mombasa