Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Guidelines for Citizens' Direct Action on 1Oth, 11th and 12th December 2008!

A message from Bunge la Mwananchi;

Dear Kenyans and friends of Kenya,

Our struggle for people sensitive, responsible and accountable leadership is firmly on! Kenyans are fired up to use their creativity to dramatize and communicate their dissatisfaction to their leaders. December 10th, 11th and 12th remain our days for civil direct action, the days for display of people power!

The guidelines of expected action is as follows:

On 10th December 2008 at 9.30am, we assembly at Bunge HQ, Jeevanjee Garden Park where we shall short speeches and then start a procession through city centre to Muthurwa market and then head to Huruma sports ground.

At Huruma sports ground we shall have public meeting where grassroot Kenyans shall outline their priority human right issues as part of celebration World Human Rights Day. The meeting shall also serve as mobilization for the next two days’ activity. Similar mobilization activities will take place in other place across the country through our partner and network organization.

On 11th December 2008, to express their anger and discontentment, Kenyans will refrain themselves from using public or private vehicles; and where they have to go to work they shall walk as a sign of solidarity with civil direct action. We beseech employers to show solidarity by allowing Kenyans to stay off work.

On the 12th December 2008, our major direct action day, we must all jam various Jamhuri celebration venues armed with our "mouth" to communicate eloquently our frustrations. Our clarion call to all our issues of discontentment will remain "unga!" "Unga" (maize flour) is the symbol of our people power just like "bread" was a symbol of French revolution. During the celebration speeches at district, provincial and national level, to everything the speakers shall say, we shall respond with "unga!".

The power to create another Kenya is in your hand do not sit back!

For information or help please reach myself on 0720 451 235 or Birundu on 0713972941

George Nyongesa

Bunge la Mwananchi

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