Do visit the FUH2 (Fuck you and your H2!!) campaign for the facts on this family of cars. I am told that to add insult to injury, it is common practice in this country to rip off emission control systems on imported cars.Does the owner of this car have any idea what a car like this represents and does the UN have any moral standards. THIS IS WHAT WE SEE! THIS IS WHAT YOU REPRESENT!

These are all personal staff cars but what does this say about their own policies? I guess it is not only Kenyans that have to pay the price for others to drive around in these ostentatious gas guzzling mobiles. We all pay one way or another for these guys to be the custodians of our planet.

Thanks to everyone who sent in photos and facts. And to Kenya Pundit and Rob Crilly who have posted about this too. The photo on Rob's blog is a must see! Keep them coming and we'll keep posting. You can also join our flikr Kick The Habit photo pool and load up photos directly. And please also send copies to UNEP directly. I am sure they would be very happy to see what their own staff are doing to Kick The CO2 Habit!
Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson, Office of the Executive Director, on Tel: +254 20 762 3084; Mobile: 254 733 632 755 or when traveling +41 795 965 737; E-mail: nick.nuttall@unep.org
Or Anne-France White, Associate Information Officer, on Tel: +254 20 762 3088, Mobile: + 254 728600494; E-mail: anne-france.white@unep.org
Or Angele Luh, UNEP Regional Information Officer, on Tel: + 254 20 7624292; fax: + 254 20 7623928; Mobile: + 254 2 722 429770; E-mail: angele.luh@unep.org
Or Robert Bisset, UNEP Spokesman for Europe, on Mob: +33 6 2272 5842; E-mail: Robert.bisset@unep.fr
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